Enjoy unlimited Anime, Comic, Cartoon, Manga & Kawaii wallpaper and background! Works perfectly in iOS 8 devices! Huge collection of cute and cuddly wallpaper and backgrounds, there are plenty for everyone!
All wallpapers compatible with iOS 8 and iOS 7. HD Quality wallpapers are optimized for iPhone5s, iPhone5c, iPhone5 & iPod Touch 5, iPad Mini, iPad and all other iOS devices. Just download and decorate your iPhones or iPods screen and share with your friends!
- Thousands of HD quality Anime, Comic, Cartoon, Manga & Kawaii wallpaper
- Compatible with newer version of iOS such as iOS 8, iOS 7
- Color, stylize and add effects to your favorite wallpaper with the amazing photo editor
- Beautiful, easy to use interface
- Unlimited Categories, Unlimited Downloads, Slide show and Sharing on fb, twitter & email
- Regular updates
- Soft, pleasant and sparkling colors
- Swipe through the collection of images for easy exploring
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